Friday, 1 November 2013

There's no-one to deny the fact that science has improved upon the lives associated with mankind with each innovation. If we think about the last two years, we will conclude that we have reached to a certain height associated with sophistication and now you won't be wrong to mention that we reside in a world that was like a dream for our ancestors and forefathers. Today, we tend to be surrounded...

Monday, 7 October 2013

Dear friends as you know that Many mobile phones and tablets have integrated with GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking systems that provide independent mobile tracking through the device, alleviating the need for a separate dedicated GPS unit. Initially, GPS tracking in mobile phones was used to track employee locations. GPS tracking services are often referred to as location-based services...

Friday, 4 October 2013

As in this modern world everyone is talented and they always want to do something different. So with this increasing technology, crime have also increased. You can't believe or trust in anyone because of new technology they always try to escape after doing any crime or telling truth. By seeing all this thing your child or kids can also be a victim as for example:- you can locate your children with...

Friday, 27 September 2013

As you all well known with "GPS"  which means global positioning system. This device is basically used for easy searching, locating or positioning of that object. As now a days it has been built up in mobile devices also to locate or search any place in India or more. This "Gps vehicle tracker" equipment is a small hardware installed device which is mounted inside the car, bus, trucks, ships...